A part of our nervous system is called the autonomic nervous system (ANS). It controls our heart, organs and glands. The ANS is divided into two systems: the Sympathetic and ParaSympathetic system. They create different responses in the heart, organs and glands according to the stimuli from our environment.
The Sympathetic pathways are the body’s emergency response system: the “flight, fight, or freeze” response; this can be triggered by everyday modern living.
The ParaSympathetic pathways, known as the “rest & digest” response, are responsible for maintaining homeostasis in the body. It returns organ function to normal once the stressor has passed. This response can be activated by deep sleep, meditation and massage therapy.
Massage therapy helps evoke the ParaSympathetic response, the restorative division of our ANS. When the ParaSympathetic nerves are activated, the skeletal muscles relax, the heart beats less rapidly, “feel-good” hormones are released and our brain waves slow down.
As your massage therapist, I consider this one of the most valuable benefits to your session. If I can help provide an opportunity for your body, heart and mind to restore its balance, this is a priceless gift.